Dr. Gigi Khanyezi
Faith, Justice, Race, Healing
Jesus and Justice
Transformational Coaching and Teaching
After 30+ years as a woman of color activist in the U.S. and nine years perceived white in Soweto, South Africa, I have devoted myself to equipping, healing, and empowering fellow change-makers in the pursuit for true (re)conciliation.
The Bible is fundamentally about relationships; our relationship to Him, to each other, and to ourselves. And yet this chasm of the racial divide has left a bloodstained distortion of the Gospel in our Christian communities. It has become perhaps the greatest discreditor of our witness for Christ.
If we recognize the context in which Jesus lived and how He engaged with it, we see the profound implications for how our faith should impact our engagement with the inequity that surrounds us.
You being here on this site tells me you want to be part of change.
You are serious about learning why the modern day Christian narrative of reconciliation is NOT the Biblical model. Your willingness to continue in this status quo has been eclipsed by the burning desire to discover and live what the actual biblical model is. You’re willing to get gritty and walk a journey of the kind of transformation in yourself that will bring transformation in the community around you.
I’m creating a sacred safe space where your hope for change can be ignited (or reignited?) and become a catalyst for that very change to happen.
I’ve created an eight-week small group coaching program and a long term community which can be done either in a small group setting (your group or mine) or one-on-one with me. It will include:
Biblical framework to understand a racialized society & what scripture compels us to do about it
A Gospel-centered understanding of TRUE (re)conciliation and why it is not what you think!
Identify and heal the distortions of your identity caused by living in a racialized society
A survey of the history of race, how the concept was created, and how it impacts society today
The Brain and Trauma: The impact of a racialized society on our mental health
Steps toward healing racial trauma in ourselves and others
How to harness your own story as a vehicle for addressing the treacherous dynamics of race
Become part of a long term, private community of people who are committed to being a part of change