Dr. Gigi Khanyezi
Faith, Justice, Race, Healing
Your invitation into

Jubilee Economics!
Dear Justice-Seeking Siblings,
One of the most important ways you can contribute toward racial and economic justice is by financially supporting the BIPOC-led work that serves these ends.
The Jesus and Justice Course is a life-changing journey of decolonizing faith, healing intergenerational trauma, and Beloved Community, all while being equipped to be a change agent for justice.
We have a wait list of folk who desperately want to be part of this deeply healing community, but the cost is prohibitive.
As participation in justice, please help subsidize the cost of students whose "backs are against the wall."* Keep in mind the cost for one student is $1997.
You will be the answer to someone's prayers.
*Quote: Howard Thurman
For more detailed information on the course and community, click here: